There are many options available to augment your bust line, amplify your cleavage, and enhance the fit and feel of your clothing. Explore these pages and schedule a consultation with Dr. Boyd to find out if breast augmentation is right for you.
There are many options available to augment your bust line, amplify your cleavage, and enhance the fit and feel of your clothing. Explore these pages and schedule a consultation with Dr. Boyd to find out if breast augmentation is right for you.
Breast augmentation is one of the top 3 most popular cosmetic surgical procedures in the U.S. Hundreds of thousands of women have taken the step toward a shapelier figure. Breast Augmentation may be used to correct volume loss after pregnancy, balance breast size asymmetries, or simply to enhance the shape and size of your breasts. There are several techniques commonly used to perform breast augmentation. The best technique for you will depend upon your particular anatomy and your desired results. In your personal consultation Dr. Boyd will look at photographs with you and listen to your wishes in order to design a customized plan to maximize your results. Various implant options are now available including saline implants and cohesive silicone gel implants. These are commonly referred to as “gel” or “gummy bear” implants. For added peace of mind, Dr. Boyd now offers breast implants with a lifetime leak guarantee. Please contact us today to schedule your consultation.
Breast Augmentation utilizes implants to restore or enhance your breast volume. An implant can add upper pole fullness, accent your cleavage, and augment the contour and shape of your breasts. If your nipples are generally where you want them but you would like to restore volume you have lost over time or create volume that you never had to improve the way you fit in clothes then a breast augmentation could be right for you.
Dr. Boyd has experience with a wide range of implants, and surgical techniques that he can offer to maximize your results. Breast Augmentation is an outpatient surgical procedure usually taking less than an hour. We are very proud of our state certified surgical center which provides a comfortable, private setting for your procedure. You will also enjoy the services of our board certified M.D. Anesthesiologist, Dr. Amy Boyd, who will ensure your safety and comfort before, during, and after your proceedure.
Breast implants can be filled with saline (salt water) or a silicone gel. Silicone gel filled implants are often called “gummy bear” implants. Many other names are used to describe the shape or profile of implants. Different implants exists because women have different shapes, sizes and goals. The “best” implant depends on your particular anatomy and desired look. During your consultation, you will have all the options available to you and Dr. Boyd will help you decide which implant is right for your particular situation.
During your visit you will have anesthesia under the watchful eye of our board certified M.D. anesthesiologist. While discomfort after surgery is extremely variable between patients, patients typically say that afterwards they feel like they had an very intense chest workout or they have a feeling similar to when their milk came in. Soreness and swelling usually peaks after a couple of days but patients are typically getting out of the house and going to the store, etc. after a long weekend. Things gradually improve over the next several weeks and usually around a month after surgery patients will say they woke up one morning to find themselves laying on their chest without discomfort.
Our hand picked, licensed and board certified team of experts and our state certified facilities are all here to provide a safe and comfortable environment. We use only F.D.A. approved breast implants. We are very proud of our unblemished safety record over the past 25 years and and our team is required to undergoes continuing medical education to reinforce our high standards.
Breast augmentation is ideal for patients who’s breast and nipples are generally where they want them but don’t have the volume or fullness they would like. Breast implants can add size to your breasts and also provide more upper pole fullness and cleavage.
Breast Augmentation may be used to restore volume loss after pregnancy, balance asymmetrical breasts, or simply to enhance the shape and size of your breasts. With over two decades of experience, Dr. Boyd has been designated as a master surgeon so whatever your goals may be, you can rest assured our expert team will be here to help you uncover the look and feel you desire. The choice is yours to discover once again, or for the first time, the joy of wearing clothes that fit just the way you want.
Over 25 Years in Practice and Thousands of Satisfied Patients
I really wanted to try to restore the volume I lost after giving birth to two children. My augmentation has allowed me to wear strapless dresses and bathing suits and allowed me to re-discover the look that I enjoyed before becoming a mom.
I have always had full hips and even though my mother and sister are both a well endowed, my top half just never developed. My augmentation has evened out my body and has made me feel more proportioned and comfortable in my clothes.
I always had breasts but with time I lost my upper pole fullness and volume. My implants gave me back my volume and cleavage. Dr. Boyd let me try on sizers and gave me exactly the size I was asking for. My husband and I are very happy.
Yes. During your consultation you will meet one on one with Dr. Boyd to review your particular situation and discuss a plan that best suits your needs.
During your consultation you will discuss your goals with Dr. Boyd. You may review photos and you will have the opportunity to try on special sizers to help you visualize your new look. We will provide sample bras and everything you need to help find the size that is right for you.
During the healing process we will give you instructions designed to maximize your results. After approximately 6 weeks people are usually back to full activities. There are no long term restrictions on your clothing, bras, or activities after you are fully healed.
Depending on your type of work, many patients are able to return to their work after just a long weekend. You should plan to give yourself at least a couple of days where you can take it easy and recover. You won’t be restricted from normal daily activities but you should let your comfort be your guide as the soreness and swelling gradually subside.
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