C-Section Repair : Mini Tuck : Mommy Makeover

C-section scars, excess skin, or stubborn body fat on the lower abdomen can be problematic after child birth. There are options to revise c-section scars and improve the contour of the abdomen. When treatment of the lower abdomen is paired with a breast augmentation, the procedure is often referred to as a “Mommy Makeover.”

About C-Section Repair, Mini Tuck, and Mommy Makeover

The miracle of childbirth is nothing short of amazing but the process can have many unwanted effects on a woman’s body that will not respond to diet and exercise. A woman’s breast and abdomen go through extreme changes during pregnancy which often results in volume loss and drooping of the breasts along with loose skin and stretch marks on the lower abdomen. For women who required a Cesarian Section (C-Section) during their child’s birth, the effects can be magnified with a thick or contracted scar on the lower abdomen. These body changes can be uncomfortable, unsightly, and make it difficult to find clothes that fit properly.  When C-section scar revision is paired with breast augmentation, the procedure is commonly referred to as a “Mommy Makeover.”

How it Works

C-Section scars often heal with attachment to the muscle resulting in skin and fatty tissue that folds over the scar.  A scar revision can excise the excess skin and scar to provide a smoother contour that can be more comfortable in clothing.

Liposuction can be used at the same time to reduce stubborn fat from the mid abdomen.

If you are a good candidate, a breast augmentation can be performed at the same time as your abdominal work to minimize downtime.  When a breast augmentation is paired with revision of a C-section scar the procedure is commonly referred to as a “Mommy Makeover.”

This is an outpatient surgery that is done in our state certified surgical facilities.  You will have anesthesia under the watchful eye of our board certified M.D. anesthesiologist.  The procedure typically takes one to two hours.  You will need a driver to take you home after your procedure.

Candidates for
Mini Tuck Scar Revision

  • Are at least 18 years of age
  • Are in good physical and mental health
  • At a minimum baseline weight
  • Have realistic expectations
  • Excess skin and fatty tissue limined to lower abdomen
  • No medical contraindications

Some patients may require a full tummy tuck to address their concerns which is outside the scope of our practice at this time.  In your consultation Dr. Boyd will evaluate your situation and provide options and alternatives if your needs are outside the scope of what we can provide.  

Success Stories

Over 25 Years in Practice and Thousands of Satisfied Patients



I had a thick and wide scar after my C-section with skin and fat hanging over it. It just wouldn't go away no matter how much I dieted or exercised. Dr. Boyd revised the scar and got rid of the hanging tissue. I love the way I fit in clothes again.


Baby Fat

I had extra skin and stubborn fat on my lower abdomen. Dr. Boyd recommended liposuction to address the fat and he used a mini-tuck to get rid of the loose skin. My scars are hidden in clothes and I like having the contour back on my belly.


Stretch Marks

I was happy with my tummy but I had stretch marks on my lower abdomen from my pregnancy. Dr. Boyd was able to get rid of this loose skin and the stretch marks that it contained and gave me back some firmness to my low abdomen.

Quick answers to questions you may have

Recovery depends on whether or not stitching is required to tighten your muscles but in general patients are able to return to normal low impact daily activities within a week.  More strenuous physical activities may be limited for two to six weeks depending on the nature of your procedure.

You may have a small drain in place.  You will be given instruction on how to drain and record the output.  Drains are typically in place for about a week and you will return to our office for simple drain removal at an appointed time.

Your stiches will be under the skin and will dissolve over time.  If you have a drain in place you may have a visible stitch that holds the drain in place but this stitch will be removed along with the drain after about a week.

Some patients have muscle laxity that they want repaired at the same time.  If you have stitches in the muscles we will ask you to avoid heavy lifting for six weeks while your muscles heal.  If you do not require muscle stiches you can let your comfort be your guide and return to lifting and exercise gradually after your procedure.